Bringing Routers and Modems together in style

Documentation and Tutorials

ROOter Documentation

ROOter Related Documentation and Tutorials

This area has all the ROOter documentation and a number of tutorials on working with ROOter, from flashing your router for the first time to configuring the router to use your modem to building your own images.

Getting started

Flashing and Configuring the Router

A step by step look at flashing your router from factory firmware to ROOter and configuring it to use your modem.

Router basics

Router 101

Confused about the internals of a router and want to know more? Unsure about which method to use to flash a router and why there are different methods? Check this out to find out more about routers.

Firmware features

The Features of GoldenOrb Firmware

A look at the features that are present in GoldenOrb and how to use them.

Hostless Modems

All About Hostless Modems

A look at hostless modems and what you may have to do to make them work.

Power usage

Modem Power Consumption

See how much power a modem requires and find out if your router can supply it. Some solutions are also presented for this problem.

Wifi stuff

Wifi Information

Information about modifications to your Wifi and how to do things with it.

Adding Packages

The Facts about Adding Packages to ROOter

Learn about the problems of trying to add new packages to ROOter from the OpenWrt or Lede repository.

Router access

Using WinSCP and Putty

How to use the two most important programs for accessing files and running programs within the router. This can be useful when making corrections to firmware bugs and recovering from 'bricking' your router.

Modem Connection

MBIM vs QMI: Which Protocol is Better?

Which protocol should you use with your modem? Which one is better? Find out more about modem protocols.


Build Your Own ROOter Firmware

How to create your own custom firmware using the same packages and scripts as the ROOter firmware. Expand and enhance your router with new features and packages by building your own images. This PDF explains how to create a build system and use the ROOter Automated Build method.

Internet Speeds

What is a Good Internet Speed

A link to an external web page from Allconnect explaining a great deal about what Internet speeds you require.